Month Day Event
>>> 2001
October 8th Announcement of opportunity by esa
23rd Phase 1 form available
December 8th Klaus' birthday :-)
13th Formation of team "Bubbles"
>>> 2002
January 9th Our homepage is online
16th Phase 2 form available
17th Phase 1 & 2 forms submitted
24th Meeting with Prof. Sattelmayer
Februrary       9th Facelift of our homepage
19th Article about esa and team "Bubbles" in the "Freisinger SZ"
20th Meeting with Prof. Straub
26th Phase 3 form available
March 5th Phase 3 form submitted
22nd Deadline for input in all 3 web-forms
Meeting with Dr.-Ing. Winter in Friedrichshafen (Astrium)
Start of construction- and buildingphase
23rd Publication of 22 finalists on web-page
the other 8 teams and spares will be published asap
26th Publication of all finalists on web-page
6th Two spares have been selected for the campaign
10th Meeting with Prof. Straub and Dr.-Ing. Winter in Munich
14th Savety-visit by Novespace
20th Physical flight examination
25th Philipp's birthday :-)
July 22nd Chriss' birthday :-)
August 29th Lecture for intellectually gifted students about our experiment
28th - 17th
5th Student Parabolic Flight Campaign, Bordeaux, France
4th - 14th Campaign for Group 2 incl. Team Bubbles/4tg
16th - 27th first evaluation of the recorded data
17th - 14th improving our set-up
16th - 26th 4th DLR Parabolic Flight Campaign, Bordeaux, France
  second evaluation of the recorded data