>>> Mascots
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Name:     Christian Bruderrek
Parabolas: 98
Age: 25
Field of Study: Aeronautics
University: Technical University Munich
other activities and interests: soccer, sports in general, reading
email: chriss at four ...
Inspired by last year´s SMOFEX team and my studies in aeronautics, I would like to use the opportunity of this campaign to pursue my interest in research and experimentation and to experience micro gravity.


Name: Klaus Moesl
Parabolas: 98
Age: 26
Field of Study: Aeronautics
University: Technical University Munich
other activities and interests: playing music, skiing and supernumerary at the Bavarian State Opera
email: klaus at four ...
Having always been fascinated by the possibility of experiencing zero gravity myself, I hope to make my own contribution to the field of thermodynamics through scientific experimentation.


Name: Patrick Vrancken
Parabolas: 98
Age: 26
Field of Study: Aeronautics
University: Technical University Munich
other activities and interests: mountaineering, kendo and classical literature
email: patrick at four ...
Observing physical phenomena, such as that of fluid dynamics, has always fascinated me. Witnessing the complete switching off of one of the fundamental forces of our world would help me understand the principles of its function. Additionally, conducting research while simultaneously floating in zero gravity is a very seductive prospect on a more personal level. (I ask myself: what does mineral water look like in zero-gravity?)


Name: Philipp Hammes
Parabolas: 98
Age: 25
Field of Study: Medical Technology
University: Technical University Munich
other activities and interests: expeditional mountaineering, snowboarding and cultures of indonesia
email: philipp at four ...
I would like to participate in this experiment because it would be an excellent opportunity to gain an insight into a field of research which is completely new to me. Moreover, I want to meet young students from other countries and cultures with the same interest in the creativity of experimental research.




Name: Glenf the Elk
Parabolas: 191
Age: 3
Field of Study: Moose Technology
University: University of Edinburgh
other activities and interests: meeting other mooses, sleeping and cultures of human beeings
email: glenf at four ...
I don't really know why I'm doing this. Somebody asked me to be the mascot for some Parabonauts - so here I am.


Name: Frido
Parabolas: 93
Age: 1
Field of Study: Moose Technology
University: FH Aalen
other activities and interests: also meeting other mooses, sleeping and cultures of student beeings (homo studentis)
email: frido at four ...
Over 200 parabolas would have been too much for Glenf so I took his place.




Name: Philip Helberg
Age: 25
Field of Study: Medical Technology
University: Technical University Munich
other activities and interests: mountaineering, snowboarding, reading and surfing
email: philip at four ...
I know these four guys quite well and it's really good fun working with them so I decided to support them during their second campaign in Bordeaux.
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Name: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Sattelmayer
Institute: Chair for Thermodynamics





Name: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. habil Johannes Straub
Institute: Chair for Thermodynamics


Name: Dipl.-Ing. Marco Philipp Auer
Institute: Chair for Thermodynamics


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