Any and all parts of this site are copyrighted by Team Bubbles. Reproduction, in part or as whole, without prior written permission by the authors is prohibited and will be prosecuted to the fullest extend of the law.

Some items may be copyrighted by their respective owners. (Especially for graphical representaions of items produced by ESA and astrium this may be the case.) Should you feel that we are in violation of any copyright that you own, please feel free to contact us and we will immediately remove the item in question until the dispute is beeing resolved.

This site contains links referring to websites that had at the time the links were created content that we considered usefull or at least entertaining. Please be advised that the content of such site might have changed since then and we are not responsible for it.

Plase note that we cannot accept any liability for the information provided on this page. Do not substitute reading what others think for thinking on your own. The result might be fatal.



Advising Institute:
   Lehrstuhl für Thermodynamik
   TU München
   85747 Garching

TEAM Contact:
   P.O. Box 107
   85236 Petershausen
   contact at